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Mobile applications

Buy, Sell, Donate and Ship from your mobile

With Moemia apps, you can buy, sell, donate and ship almost anything from anywhere and at anytime. You just need your smartphone or tablet and internet.

Download on iOS or Android

Browser add-on

Shop on any online markeplace regarless of your location

Moemia Browser plugin is a browser plugin (Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox) that allows any user of any e-commerce platform (Alibaba, Amazon...) to buy on the said platform and to use a Moemia Shipper to manage the shipment of the ordered products internationally (using the physical address of the latter). With this plugin, you can also pay using your Moemia Pay account. You can help Moemia extend and reach every region in the world. As a Moemia Partner you will be earning commissions on every single sale in your region while saving the planet.

Install Moemia Browser Add-on
(coming soon)

Download for Google Chrome or Firefox

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{"dictDefaultMessage":"Drop your file(s) here. Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.","dictFallbackMessage":"Your browser does not support drag'n'drop file uploads.","dictFallbackText":"Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.","dictFileTooBig":"File is too big ({{filesize}}MiB). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.","dictInvalidFileType":"You can't upload files of this type.","dictResponseError":"Server responded with {{statusCode}} code.","dictCancelUpload":"Cancel upload","dictCancelUploadConfirmation":"Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?","dictRemoveFile":"Remove file","dictMaxFilesExceeded":"The maximum number of files has been reached. To upload more, remove some existing files. "}